Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Blogspot, you disappoint me!

I have use Blogspot since 2008 til now, and the current Blogspot disappoint me. There are several things that disappoint me.

First, I have disable Blogspot to track my own pageviews, but in fact Blogspot still track my own pageviews. Actually, it's not a major issue, but it annoyed me because I can't tell how many people are visiting my blog.

Second, I got this issue when I was loading the stats webpage, it won't load. When I opened it, the webpage said "There was an error while fetching stats. Please reload page." or "Invalid ID: (Numbers)". Then after that I can't load my dashboard or even load It happened a few times in 1 day and it frustrates me.

Third, this issue also made me can't edit my blog post. Every time I tried to load my blog post, it always failed.

So in overall, WHY YOU DID THIS TO ME? OMG.

I'm switching to wordpress now. It's simpler, easier, and NO bug. The domain would the same as this ervansugino but in "". Lastly, I would not close or delete this blog, so you all still could stalk me. Hahahaha. Adios.

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Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Hi! Hello! Hey! Remember me?

Few updates about myself.

First of all, I am a fresh graduate now! Just finished my bachelor of commerce in Curtin University (Singapore campus) on last October. Currently, I am looking for job either in Indonesia or in Singapore. So, if you know any job vacancy in marketing or advertising field, please let me know.

Secondly, I am trying to write more or to increase the article in my blog. Since, I am officially unemployed, I have a lot of free time. Therefore, I am trying to utilize my free time to create something more.

Third, finally I finished my movie project that have been postpone since last year. This movie, or more like a documentary movie, is about my experience in witnessing my friends' birthday surprise from 2013 to 2015 in Curtin Singapore. I attached the video below.

Fourth, I am learning to write my blog post in English, because I need to practice my writing since I am not in Singapore anymore. So, if you see any grammar mistake, I am seeking for your apology. I am still working on it, everyday, believe me.
Fifth, don't forget to follow my Instagram, because there will be new post everyday. I am trying to become an Instagram superstar, perhaps, so it would be great if you follow me. Hahaha. Thank you.
Lastly, I will write 1 new article every week and will publish it in this blog. So, stay tune and please help me to correct my English grammar. Lol.

Alright, see you! :)

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Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Quick Update: 3:12AM

"It's better for you to sleep now."

That phrase is kinda suitable me, because instead of studying for the exam I chose to watched again and again GTO anime. The same episode. 33.

Anyway, I found my new melody. The melody is good, it sounds wonderful and beautiful. Yup, it is good for now, and hopefully it is improve and more developed in the future. Hopefully, until I closed my eyes for the last time :) Sounds great, right?

Today is the fourth day of my mid term break, a study week where I need to review and study all the exams materials, and I just started to make a summary of one of the module. It took 30 minutes to finish one lecture, then I got distracted by the anime and stop studying immediately. It was 3:12 AM when I started to wrote this down. I wish I can stayed until 8 AM in the morning, study all the chapters of this module, but it sounds impossible.

Will I destroy my own body by not sleeping throughout the day? I think it will. It will ruin my emotion throughout the day. It will make me easily to piss off and think in negative way. Then why I am still awake and not trying to sleep? I am not sure why, but I don't want to miss out my breakfast while hearing the breakfast melody. I know it sounds weird, maybe it's true that I am a freak.

Regardless whether I'm a freak or not, life still a difficult thing for everyone. It could drives you crazy like a whore in period . Recently, life just taught me to be independent, I can't always rely to others' power and capabilities. I need to train myself to become one of the great human being.

Shoot! I can't finish this post, my brain stopped working. Blank. I need to lay down on my bed. Soon. The main point of this stupid pointless post is to be independent in whatever you do, but remember to be selfless and stay humble. Good Morning people and have a good life ahead!


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Monday, May 25, 2015

Quick Update: May 2015

One of the main reasons kenapa gue jarang update blog karena kesibukan gue yang makin banyak. Dari seorang mahasiswa tingkat akhir, seorang jomblo yang kesepian, seorang pengurus yang gak dianggap, sampai berusaha jadi anak baik di negeri orang. Lucunya hidup gue.

Well this is a quick update on what's going on in my life, so far. Sekarang gue uda menginjak semester kelima, dimana satu semester lagi gue akan officially jadi pengangguran, alias gue lulus dalam kurun waktu 6 bulan ke depan. Semoga gue lulus tepat waktu sih, masuk bersama lulus bersamakan? :)) Semakin veteran gue di kampus, semakin banyak tantangan yang gue harus hadapi. Salah satunya isu mengenai kepercayaan. The fact is, you can't believe everyone. Yup, bener. Sedikit susah sih untuk bisa percaya sama mereka yang mungkin punya topeng pas lagi bicara sama lu. Apalagi mereka yang uda ketangkap tangan lagi ngomongin betapa hebatnya elu. Hahaha. Well, there's nothing I can do, right? Kayaknya gue harus jalanin dulu, lihat bagaimana akhirnya nanti.

"Hidup udah susah, jangan dibikin susah lagi, bitch." - A.H.

Dude, I miss my high school. Masa-masa dimana lu gak perlu mikirin apa yang bakal lo lakuin besok, karena uda pasti lu harus masuk sekolah. Pagi ke sore, setiap hari, setiap bulan, setiap tahun. Well, gue benci rutinitas, gue benci hal yang monoton, tapi ada kalanya gue kangen sama rutinitas. Masa terseru dimana lu gak harus berhadapan sama kejamnya dunia dan drama-drama di lingkaran lu. HAHAHAHAHA, I'm fckin miss that moment

Today is 25th May 2015, OH LOL, I still remember that day! I believe you already forgot about it. LOL. Anyway, you just create one new history on your life. Don't be sad and keep moving forward.

ayam kriuknya pedes sih, but I totally enjoy that moment.

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Saturday, February 14, 2015


Happy Valentine dear Single(s)

Semoga cinta dan kasih kalian semakin berlimpah dari orang-orang yang kalian sayangi. Bisa jadi keluarga, teman, pacar, mantan, stranger, siapa aja deh yah. HAHAHA.

Di Valentine's Day tahun ini kerjaan gue sama aja. Stuck di dalem goa, nothing to do. Really like nothing to do. Gue keluar rumah cuman sekali, buat cuci mobil dan itu pertama kalinya gue cuci mobil pake gayung. First of all, it was very difficult. Secondly, I was so tired because I need to squat due to wash the car's bumper. *CintaLauraStyle*

Anyway, nothing special for this post. Maybe, this post would be my personal reminder that I did something on this day. Even though, it does not really has an effect towards my life. However, I do believe that what happened today would give me a great experience. Can't wait for Monday, lol. Life is fair, i guess so. HAHAHAHA

Once again, Happy Valentine's Day.


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